全台宅配美食/Delivery Food










香港私廚老師傅將瑤柱、鮮蝦、辣椒、蜜火腿和香料等高品質食材,採用港式純釀工法製作而成,同時具備辛辣鮮甜看似衝突卻又意外和諧的深度美味,吃起來不死鹹、不嗆辣,可以說是溫潤鮮美, 不僅可以直接沾食,還可以作為醃料、炒飯、燒烤等用途,將食材的風味提升到更豐富的層次。


Today‘s featured food comes from ” GENG YUN“. They are selecting premium ingredients and handcrafting all sauces, while maintaining a commitment to not adding preservatives or other harmful substances to the products. The packaging design is pretty elegant, exuding a high-quality appearance suitable for personal consumption or gifting. I personally recommend their ”Garlic Spicy Shrimp Sauce,“ which is aromatic, spicy, and flavorful—a must-try for garlic and spice enthusiasts like myself!


★Garlic Spicy Shrimp Sauce 

The enticing aroma of garlic and spicy shrimp unfolds in the air as you open the bottle, with the distinct presence of whole shrimp and hot pepper perfectly blended together. This dipping sauce, crafted through a 48-hour process using six techniques, transforms into a versatile condiment with crystal-clear chili oil and rich ingredients that will make your mouth water. It boasts a sweet and savory taste, spicy yet not overpowering, making it suitable for dipping, steaming, stir-frying, or tossing.


★ Pure Brewed XO Sauce 

Using high-quality ingredients such as dried scallops, fresh shrimp, chili, honeyed ham, and spices, this XO sauce is created using traditional Hong Kong brewing methods. It offers a surprising harmony of spicy and sweet flavors, with a depth of taste that is neither overly salty nor too spicy. It can be described as gentle and delicious. This sauce can be enjoyed directly as a dip or used for marinating, stir-frying, grilling, and more, enhancing the flavors of the ingredients to a richer level.


《宅配美食》超級開胃的美味醬料!更勻蒜辣鮮蝦醬!  《宅配美食》超級開胃的美味醬料!更勻蒜辣鮮蝦醬!  《宅配美食》超級開胃的美味醬料!更勻蒜辣鮮蝦醬!  《宅配美食》超級開胃的美味醬料!更勻蒜辣鮮蝦醬!  《宅配美食》超級開胃的美味醬料!更勻蒜辣鮮蝦醬! 

♥♥♥ Here ♥♥♥ 

•更勻沾醬  更勻-沾醬專門

•購買連結 https://reurl.cc/97Amma



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