新竹竹北美食/ Zhubei,Hsinchu


#柴堡 #ShibaBurger

位於竹北火車站、台元科技園區附近,隱身在竹北市場巷弄裡的【柴堡 Shiba Burger】美式餐廳,簡約潔白的店面裝潢,讓人感到耳目一新。店內的用餐環境舒適寬敞,牆壁上還設有一個大尺吋的液晶螢幕,讓人在享用餐點的同時可以觀賞體育賽事,展現出濃厚的美式風格!此外,若運氣好的話,可愛的招牌店狗黑色柴柴還會在旁陪伴用餐,老闆表示許多客人都是為了店狗而特地造訪的哦!




★豪華雙享黑柴堡 $289















”Shiba Burger“ is an American restaurant located in the alleys of Zhubei Market. The dining environment at the restaurant is comfortable and spacious, featuring a large-sized LCD screen on the wall for customers to enjoy sports events while dining, embodying a distinct American style. Additionally, lucky diners may have the charming opportunity to be accompanied by the adorable signature shop dog, Black Shiba.


The menu selections feature a variety of offerings including burgers, scones, salads, beverages, and fried dishes. The ingredients are sourced fresh, and the portions are generous. The flavors transport you to the United States, evoking a sense of dining in an authentic American setting. The dining atmosphere is inviting, and the cuisine maintains a high standard of quality. This establishment comes highly recommended, especially for burger enthusiasts; it is a must-visit destination that should not be overlooked!


★Deluxe Fried Chicken & Beef Burger $289

★Fried Chicken Burger With Peanut Butter $209

★Mexico Chicken Tortilla$189

★Shiba Salad$159

★Yellow Shiba Combo(Fries&$40Drinks)$90

★Black Shiba Combo 

《新竹竹北美食》柴堡  ShibaBurger | 隱身竹科  

《新竹竹北美食》柴堡  ShibaBurger | 隱身竹科  

《新竹竹北美食》柴堡  ShibaBurger | 隱身竹科  

《新竹竹北美食》柴堡  ShibaBurger | 隱身竹科  

《新竹竹北美食》柴堡  ShibaBurger | 隱身竹科  

《新竹竹北美食》柴堡  ShibaBurger | 隱身竹科  

《新竹竹北美食》柴堡  ShibaBurger | 隱身竹科  

《新竹竹北美食》柴堡  ShibaBurger | 隱身竹科  

《新竹竹北美食》柴堡  ShibaBurger | 隱身竹科 (Gordon Nuggets&$40Drinks )$100


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•柴堡 Shiba Burger 柴堡 Shiba Burger


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