#全台宅配美食/Delivery Food


#JONQUIL #小繡球曲奇


今天開箱分享的美食是全素餅乾界的愛馬仕【JONQUIL小繡球.經典可可曲奇餅】。這款餅乾以採用嚴選頂級進口原料、堅持純淨無添加的製作原則,融合了法國CACAO BARRY可可、美國HERSHEY'S焦糖醬以及紐西蘭Westgold無鹽奶油。這些高級原料的完美組合賦予了餅乾獨特的香氣與口感。








This cookie is crafted with a strict adherence to using premium imported ingredients and a pure, additive-free production process, combining French CACAO BARRY cocoa, HERSHEY'S caramel sauce, and New Zealand's Westgold unsalted butter. The perfect combination of these high-quality ingredients imparts a unique aroma and texture to the cookie.


Each crisp and crunchy bite delivers a rich bittersweet cocoa flavor, while the sweetness of the caramel sauce and the subtle hint of sea salt create a perfect balance of exquisite taste. As you chew, these different flavors intertwine splendidly, enchanting your taste buds in an elegant and lavish feast, a magnificent display of ultimate deliciousness.


Beyond the perfect blend of flavors, this cookie is presented in an elegant and high-quality pure black iron box, offering a stunning visual delight to the recipient. The packaging design not only showcases sophistication but also conveys a sense of joy and emotion without words. Whether indulging in self-care or celebrating special occasions, this cookie is undeniably the top choice for a new generation of gift-giving, allowing one to deeply experience the superior quality. If you are looking for a unique and delicious gift, JONQUIL is definitely a must-not-miss best choice.


 《宅配美食》JONQUIL  | 小繡球曲奇 | 素食餅乾界  

《宅配美食》JONQUIL  | 小繡球曲奇 | 素食餅乾界  《宅配美食》JONQUIL  | 小繡球曲奇 | 素食餅乾界  《宅配美食》JONQUIL  | 小繡球曲奇 | 素食餅乾界  《宅配美食》JONQUIL  | 小繡球曲奇 | 素食餅乾界  《宅配美食》JONQUIL  | 小繡球曲奇 | 素食餅乾界  《宅配美食》JONQUIL  | 小繡球曲奇 | 素食餅乾界  《宅配美食》JONQUIL  | 小繡球曲奇 | 素食餅乾界  《宅配美食》JONQUIL  | 小繡球曲奇 | 素食餅乾界 

♥♥♥ Here ♥♥♥ 

•Jonquil 小繡球 @jonquil.me


•Instagram: @jonquil.me

•客服電話: 0905-156-629

•客服Line 官方: @jonquil.co

•客服信箱: customer.jonquil@gmail.com


❣歡迎追蹤 @pinklala.foodie看更多吃喝玩樂❣


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