全台宅配美食/Delivery Food








★香港桃酥 (蛋素/300g) 



★杏仁桃酥 (蛋素/300g) 



★黑糖桃酥 (蛋素/300g)



★迷你桃酥原味 (蛋素/180g)



★乳酪奶酥 (奶蛋素/225g)



★鹹蛋奶酥 (奶蛋素/216g)



The brand “CHENG FU TANG” prides itself on using natural and simple ingredients in its products, free from added preservatives and artificial colors. This commitment allows people to enjoy traditional and classic delicacies without worrying about any adverse health effects. Additionally, the products are affordably priced, offering excellent value for money. If visiting the Changhua store is inconvenient for you, consider purchasing these affordable and delicious snacks from the official website to enjoy them for yourself!


★Crisp Cookies-Original(ovo-vegetarian/300g)

Crispy, light, and refreshing, with a delicate peach aroma and sweetness that melts in the mouth, they are the traditional crispy cookies passed down from the imperial court.


★Crisp Cookies-Almond(ovo-vegetarian/300g)

The rich and delicate almond aroma disperses in the mouth with each bite, intertwining the unique sweet almond flavor with the crispy texture of the cookies, creating a delightful experience that is truly enjoyable.


★Crisp Cookies-Brown Sugar(ovo-vegetarian/300g)

A subtle brown sugar aroma wafts through the air when you open the package. The crispy texture perfectly captures the allure of brown sugar, making it a timeless favorite for those who adore this sweet treat."


★MINI CRISPY COOKIES (ovo-vegetarian/180g)

The refined, compact, and lightweight packaging makes it convenient to carry delectable food with you!


★Cheese Cookies(ovo-lacto vegetarian/225g)

The delightful blend of natural ingredients and the simple yet rich cheese and milk flavor caters to the tastes of both adults and children alike.


★Crispy Cookies-Salted Egg Flavor (ovo-lacto vegetarian/216g)

Carefully selected fresh duck egg yolks are paired with milk, and the perfect balance creates a delightful flavor that is irresistible. This product has emerged as one of the top-selling items at the store in recent years.

 《宅配美食》正福堂 | 非吃不可的超美味平價零食!  

《宅配美食》正福堂 | 非吃不可的超美味平價零食!  《宅配美食》正福堂 | 非吃不可的超美味平價零食!  《宅配美食》正福堂 | 非吃不可的超美味平價零食!  《宅配美食》正福堂 | 非吃不可的超美味平價零食!  《宅配美食》正福堂 | 非吃不可的超美味平價零食!  《宅配美食》正福堂 | 非吃不可的超美味平價零食!  《宅配美食》正福堂 | 非吃不可的超美味平價零食! 

♥♥♥ Here ♥♥♥ 

•正福堂 正福堂食品廠


•彰化社頭門市/04 873 2775




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