



「維納絲 Venuss ice cream來台灣了!」今天開箱的冰淇淋品牌【維納絲 VENUSS】是以黑色與金色為主的外包裝設計,散發出低調奢華的感覺;口味部分則是分成適合成熟大人的《微醺》系列和老少咸宜的《極致》系列。




★First Love 初戀-草莓櫻桃接骨木花酒 微醺度 1%



★I Love You 我愛你-巧克力白蘭地 微醺度3%



★Falling in love 熱戀-焦糖巧脆鹽之花 



Today’s featured food is the VENUSS ice cream, a newly established ice cream brand. The brand’s packaging design primarily consists of black and gold, creating a sense of understated luxury. The flavors are divided into two series.


The texture of the ice cream is incredibly soft, rich, and creamy, and all three flavors melt in your mouth while offering their own unique and rich tastes. The official website currently offers a variety of value-for-money sets with free shipping, making it a great choice for both gifting and personal enjoyment. Whether you’re a dessert lover, ice cream enthusiast, or simply a foodie, don’t miss the chance to visit their official website and indulge in your own blissful and ultimate moments of happiness.

 《開箱分享》維納絲冰淇淋 VENUSSICECREAM |   

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♥♥♥Here You Go ♥♥♥

•維納絲冰淇淋 @venussicecream




❣歡迎追蹤 @pinklala.foodie看更多吃喝玩樂❣


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